
Welcome to the Cardano Blueprint, a project that aims to serve as a knowledge foundation about how the Cardano protocol works. Blueprints are implementation independent assets, diagrams, specifications, test data, etc. that will enable a wide developer audience to understand the protocol and build Cardano components.


Create technical documents for creating and underpinning a Cardano node implementation, without needing to reverse engineer existing implementations.

graph TB
    N1[Node Implementation 1]
    N2[Node Implementation 2]
    C[Ecosystem Clients]

    COM --> BP
    BP --> N1
    BP --> N2
    BP --> C

Why it’s needed

The Cardano Node was developed over the last 8+ years at Input Output Group (IO) to become the reference implementation of the Ouroboros consensus protocols, extended UTxO (eUTxO) ledger model and Plutus smart contract language.

All of these things are documented, but the documentation is spread across multiple repositories, in different formats, some in very dense formal methods syntax, and some mixed with implementation details of the Haskell node.

This project aims to produce a ‘greenfield’ set of blueprints for Cardano, which are:

  • Collected together in a single place
  • Expressed in a single, universal format (markdown)
  • Written for ordinary software developers
  • Abstracted from any particular implementation

The audience includes:

  • Developers in the node teams who are new or may need information outside their current area
  • Developers in other teams in IO and external partners, wishing to integrate with the node
  • Developers of future alternative nodes and clients
  • Anyone wanting to understand Cardano at a deeper technical level

Hosting this project on Github means that it can become a community effort with all the usual processes of a good Open Source software project - Pull Requests, reviews, issues, branches, release tags…

What makes a good blueprint

A good blueprint should be:

  • Abstract - it should define protocols and behaviour, not code
  • Accessible - it should be written so any competent software engineer with some knowledge of the field can understand it - think about the level of a typical Internet RFC. It should use diagrams (in Mermaid) to help understanding.
  • Complete - it should contain all the information required to implement the component, not refer to any external source (which may go out of date).
  • Minimal - it should define the required functionality of an implementation and leave implementation details to implementors.
  • Current - it should be kept up to date with any changes - ideally leading and informing them rather than the other way round.

There is more specific guidance on language and format in the Style Guide.

What about Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs)?

The Cardano Improvement Proposal (CIP) process is the standard way that new features are proposed, discussed and ratified for the Cardano network, and it does this job well.

We did consider whether these blueprints could be CIPs themselves, but were concerned that the sheer volume of information could overwhelm the technical and personal capacity of the CIP process, particularly in the initial bootstrap phase. Also, the single-layer nature of the CIP documents could be restrictive for the highly-connected tree of documentation we envisage.

That said, this project will of course tightly integrate with the CIP process:

  • CIPs will of course remain the place for new features and discussion

  • After an initial bootstrap phase, when we are retroactively distilling existing knowledge, we intend to build a review and editing process mirroring the CIP one

  • This project may itself be presented as a CIP, given the Cardano community final say over its status

  • The CIP process could include proposed changes to the Blueprints