Network: Mini-protocols

The Cardano mini-protocols are a set of protocols that each provides a particular aspect of the communication between nodes (node-to-node or N2N) or between a node and an application client (node-to-client or N2C). They run over a multiplexer which allows multiple mini-protocols to share the same underlying TCP or local socket connection.

Each mini-protocol is represented by a state machine and a set of messages that can be passed between the parties.

State machines

The progress of the communication is defined by a state machine, which is replicated at each end. The transitions of the state machine are messages being sent/received. As well as defining which messages are valid to send and receive in each state, the state machine also defines which side has agency - that is, should be the one to send the next message.

The initiator of a connection is the one that requested the connection be opened - the client in a simple client/server model.

The responder or is the one that responds to the connection request - the server, in other words.

In every case it is the initiator (client) which has agency first. In many cases the initiator and responder take turns to have agency (send messages), but in some cases where one party must wait for a response, the other will keep agency and send a follow-up message later.

We can draw this state machine in the standard way, with circles and arrows, but with the addition of an indicator of which side has agency. This one is for the minimal example mini-protocol, Ping Pong:


    [*] --> StIdle
    StIdle --> StBusy: MsgPing
    StBusy --> StIdle: MsgPong
    StIdle --> [*]: MsgDone

    direction LR

    classDef initiator color:#080
    classDef responder color:#008, text-decoration: underline
    class StIdle initiator
    class StBusy responder

It has been the convention to mark states where the initiator has agency in green and the responder in blue, as here, but we also underline it for responder agency in case colours aren’t clear.

As a double check, we can show the agency for each state as a table as well:


By convention state names have an St prefix, while messages have Msg, to avoid confusion.

We can also show the transitions of the state machine as a table, and indicate what data is passed with each message, although Ping Pong doesn’t carry any:

From stateMessageParametersto state

Message formats

The messages of the mini-protocols are encoded in CBOR, a compact binary encoding of JSON. The syntax of valid messages is expressed in CDDL (Concise Data Definition Language).

Here’s the CDDL for the node-to-node handshake protocol:

; NodeToNode Handshake, v7 to v10

    = msgProposeVersions
    / msgAcceptVersion
    / msgRefuse

msgProposeVersions = [0, versionTable]
msgAcceptVersion   = [1, versionNumber, nodeToNodeVersionData]
msgRefuse          = [2, refuseReason]

versionTable = { * versionNumber => nodeToNodeVersionData }

versionNumber = 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

nodeToNodeVersionData = [ networkMagic, initiatorOnlyDiffusionMode ]

; range between 0 and 0xffffffff
networkMagic = 0..4294967295
initiatorOnlyDiffusionMode = bool

    = refuseReasonVersionMismatch
    / refuseReasonHandshakeDecodeError
    / refuseReasonRefused

refuseReasonVersionMismatch      = [0, [ *versionNumber ] ]
refuseReasonHandshakeDecodeError = [1, versionNumber, tstr]
refuseReasonRefused              = [2, versionNumber, tstr]