The ChainDB format

In the Haskell reference implementation, the Storage layer manages a ChainDB, whose storage components are the Immutable Database, Volatile Database and Ledger State snapshots:

Immutable DatabaseStore definitive blocks and headers sequentially
Volatile DatabaseStore a bag of non-definitive blocks and headers. In particular it contains the blocks which, when linked sequentially, form the current selected chain
Ledger State snapshotsPeriodically store the ledger state at the tip of the ImmutableDB

Although this implementation represents just one of many possible data storage solutions, it is the one used by the reference cardano-node implementation and has become the de-facto standard for distributing the Cardano chain when the node is not involved. Consequently, services like Mithril sign this directory structure and its format.

It consists of 3 separate directories in which different data is stored:

├── immutable
│   ├── 00000.chunk
│   ├── 00000.primary
│   ├── 00000.secondary
│   └── ...
├── ledger
│   └── 164021355
└── volatile
    ├── blocks-0.dat
    └── ...

This diagram depicts where the blocks are distributed in such directories:

flowchart RL
    subgraph volatile;
      subgraph "current selection";
        Tip -->|...| Km1["(k-1)-th Block"]
        Km1 --> K["k-th Block"]

      O1["Block"] --> O2["Block"]
      O3["Block"] --> K


    subgraph immutable;
     subgraph "Chunk 0";
        C0[" "]
        C1[" "] --> C0
        C2[" "] -->|...| C1
     subgraph "Chunk 1";
        D0[" "]
        D1[" "] --> D0
        D2[" "] -->|...| D1

     D0 --> C2
     subgraph "Chunk n";
     Kp1["(k+1)-th Block"] --> Kp2["(k+2)-th Block"]
     Kp2["(k+2)-th Block"] --> |...| E0[" "]

     E0 -->|...| D2
    K --> Kp1
    C0 --> Genesis
    subgraph ledger;
     S["Persisted snapshot"] --> Kp1


Contains the historical chain of blocks.

TODO explain NestedCtxt, Header, Block, the Hard Fork Block, chunks, primary and secondary indices.


Contains blocks that form the current selection of the node (i.e. the best chain it knows about) and other blocks (both connected or disconnected from the selected chain) but whose slot number is greater than the k-th block in the current selection (so they might belong to a fork less than k blocks deep).

TODO describe the format in which the blocks are stored


Contains ledger state snapshots at immutable blocks. Ideally, this is the most recent immutable block, but since snapshots are taken periodically (due to their cost), it may be an older block. Snapshots are named after the slot number of the block when they were taken.

The snapshot is a file containing a CBOR-encoded Extended Ledger State. The Extended Ledger State is a combination of the Chain State (used by the protocol used in such era) and the Ledger State.

Coming soon: UTxO-HD