Network: Handshake mini-protocol

Mini-protocol number: 0

The Handshake mini-protocol is used to establish a connection and negotiate protocol versions and parameters between the initiator (client) and responder (server). There are two versions, one for node-to-node (N2N) and one for node-to-client (N2C), which differ only in their protocol parameters.

State machine


    [*] --> StPropose
    StPropose --> StConfirm: MsgProposeVersions
    StConfirm --> [*]: MsgAcceptVersion
    StConfirm --> [*]: MsgReplyVersion
    StConfirm --> [*]: MsgRefuse

    direction LR

    classDef initiator color:#080
    classDef responder color:#008, text-decoration: underline
    class StPropose initiator
    class StConfirm responder

State agencies


State transitions

From stateMessageParametersto state
StConfirmMsgAcceptVersion(versionNumber, versionData)End

TCP simultaneous open

In the rare case when both sides try to connect to each other at the same time, it’s possible to get a “TCP simultaneous open” where you end up with a single socket, not two. In this case, both sides will think they are the initiator so will send a MsgProposeVersions, and this protocol handles this by treating the received one in StConfirm state as a MsgReplyVersion, which has the same CBOR encoding.


Why does the message need to change name? The state machine would be valid with an StConfirm -- MsgProposeVersions --> End arc.


Also, is the negotiation always deemed successful in this case? What if one side can’t accept the other’s version? (there is talk of resetting the connection)


MsgReplyVersion is no longer mentioned in the CDDL - is this therefore out of date?


The MsgProposeVersions message is sent by the initiator to propose a set of possible versions and protocol parameters. versionTable is a map of version numbers to associated parameters - bear in mind that different versions may have different sets of parameters. The version number keys must be unique and in ascending order.


This seems an arbitrary constraint which could easily be avoided by implementations, although deterministic CBOR encoding would enforce it.

The MsgAcceptVersion message is returned by the responder to confirm a mutually acceptable version and set of parameters.

The MsgRefuse message is returned by the responder to indicate there is no acceptable version match, or another reason. If it is a version mismatch it returns a set of version numbers that it could have accepted.


The content of MsgRefuse is inconsistent between the paper and CDDL - check the above.

Message size limits

Because the Handshake protocol operates before the multiplexer is fully set up, the messages must not be split into segments, and this imposes a size limit of 5760 bytes.


This seems like a protocol level mix, and since the negotiated parameters don’t seem to affect the mux config (and could be changed dynamically even if they did), it’s not clear why this constraint is needed.


Why 5076 when the mux protocol can handle 65535? Implementation detail?


The maximum time to wait for a message in StPropose (for the responder) or StConfirm (for the initiator) is 10 seconds. After this the connection should be torn down.


Here’s the CDDL for the latest node-to-node handshake protocol:

; NodeToNode Handshake (>=v13)
    = msgProposeVersions
    / msgAcceptVersion
    / msgRefuse
    / msgQueryReply

msgProposeVersions = [0, versionTable]
msgAcceptVersion   = [1, versionNumber, nodeToNodeVersionData]
msgRefuse          = [2, refuseReason]
msgQueryReply      = [3, versionTable]

versionTable = { * versionNumber => nodeToNodeVersionData }

versionNumber = 13 / 14

nodeToNodeVersionData = [ networkMagic, initiatorOnlyDiffusionMode, peerSharing, query ]

; range between 0 and 0xffffffff
networkMagic = 0..4294967295
initiatorOnlyDiffusionMode = bool
; range between 0 and 1
peerSharing = 0..1
query = bool

    = refuseReasonVersionMismatch
    / refuseReasonHandshakeDecodeError
    / refuseReasonRefused

refuseReasonVersionMismatch      = [0, [ *versionNumber ] ]
refuseReasonHandshakeDecodeError = [1, versionNumber, tstr]
refuseReasonRefused              = [2, versionNumber, tstr]

And the node-to-client version:

; NodeToClient Handshake

    = msgProposeVersions
    / msgAcceptVersion
    / msgRefuse
    / msgQueryReply

msgProposeVersions = [0, versionTable]
msgAcceptVersion   = [1, versionNumber, nodeToClientVersionData]
msgRefuse          = [2, refuseReason]
msgQueryReply      = [3, versionTable]

; Entries must be sorted by version number. For testing, this is handled in `handshakeFix`.
versionTable = { * versionNumber => nodeToClientVersionData }

; as of version 2 (which is no longer supported) we set 15th bit to 1
;               16    / 17    / 18    / 19
versionNumber = 32784 / 32785 / 32786 / 32787

; As of version 15 and higher
nodeToClientVersionData = [networkMagic, query]

networkMagic = uint
query        = bool

    = refuseReasonVersionMismatch
    / refuseReasonHandshakeDecodeError
    / refuseReasonRefused

refuseReasonVersionMismatch      = [0, [ *versionNumber ] ]
refuseReasonHandshakeDecodeError = [1, versionNumber, tstr]
refuseReasonRefused              = [2, versionNumber, tstr]